Tuesday, 29 November 2011

A lovely pop of orange

My auntie sorted out some of her bags and I went home with the biggest smile on my face. She gave me sooo many beautiful bags! This is one of my favourites, it is 'my lovely pop of orange' which completes every outfit in the most amazing way. I got inspired by the flowers in our garden which are blossoming now. Yey, I'm finally getting my little bit of summer and that makes me wear my brightest bag and my biggest smile! :)

And yes, I enjoyed this day so much that I was walking down the main street singing passionately to Frank Sinatras 'You turned my world around'! :)


  1. i LOVE your bag. very cool pictures too. i wish i had a tree like that in my neighborhood. it would make for much better pictures :)
    i'm going to follow you on bloglovin and google friend connect. it would be AWESOME if you'd follow me on google friend connect too!

  2. I love orange, this bag is so pretty xx

  3. LOVE the handbag!Check out my blog <3

